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Stars & Sharks @ NATPE Miami 2019!

Stars & Sharks at NAPTE 2019 Miami

Stars & Sharks has developed 2 original TV formats
, which revolve around the unique world of the Stars and the Sharks. So be prepared to watch Shark Chefs competing for glory in one of the most challenging industry of the world.

These formats have be officially announced and presented to a global audience of over 1,200 buyers and TV executives at NATPE Miami (22-24 January 2019).

February 2019 is the set date for the official launch of Stars & Sharks. And since we feel special our press conference will be treated more like an event rather than a boring presentation. Attendees will have the opportunity to get a closer look to our world through their senses. How? Well, nothing can be revealed at this stage but try to get an invitation by contacting out Media and Events department. You’ll be amazed.

All of the industries stakeholders, from owners to crew and suppliers to brokers hold a direct influence over the footprints we leave. Stars & Sharks believes that with our level of influence we can use our events to raise awareness and connect the community around this matter. For this reason we created the Charter Table for Charity, an elite dining experience, where individual seats at the table (up to 12) are auctioned off to the highest bidder. The proceeds will be donated to charity. No one Charter Table for Charity will be the same, each event will be an exclusive experience hosted in fantastic locations, from yachts supporters would lend to us for the night, to some of the most exclusive yacht clubs in the world. Once a seat at the table has been secured, as you would when chartering a yacht, you will send ahead a preference list. The elite Sharks, who will be the chefs, will proceed to plan and create a distinct culinary masterpiece for each guest.

For Events related inquiries please contact:
Jeanette Andersen (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) or Max Biasiol (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)