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The SeaStars.Life Book Series

The Stars & Sharks’ book series combines stories from the sea, tales of triumph, divergence and the extraordinary; it has a focus on the real experiences of Sharks. It gives the audience a glimpse into the mind and senses of an elite chef and a taste of what it's really like serving some of the world's’ most powerful people. They work in fairy tale locations that can turn inhospitable in a moment notice; they must source only the finest quality ingredients and they live on board some of the most advanced ships ever built. As you can imagine they have many a tale to tell. The first book of our series will be available by the end of 2019.

Our magazine:

Let’s face it, this industry is all about stardom! This is how we chose the name of our quarterly magazine. Interviews, culinary experiments and local delicacies it’s all about unearthing the world’s hidden gems. But also, rediscovering the origins of the culinary art. Stardom will launch early 2020.